PEPSICO CAREERS - foresight Guides Your Destiny in Sales and in Life
Good morning. Yesterday, I discovered PEPSICO CAREERS - foresight Guides Your Destiny in Sales and in Life. Which is very helpful in my experience and also you. foresight Guides Your Destiny in Sales and in LifeDriving to spring training in Florida, the famous baseball player and boss Yogi Berra and his wife were terribly late. They were driving all night and Yogi's wife fell fast asleep. To make up for lost time, Yogi took a short cut that eventually turned into a dirt road with more dirt than road. His wife suddenly awoke, very startled and said to Yogi, "Honey. I think we are lost." Yogi always ready with a quick quip, replied, "Yeah but we are development great time".
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Without vision, you may get somewhere, but most likely it will be the somewhere you don't want. Foresight guides your destiny. It did for Gary Player. As a young lad growing up in South Africa, Gary had the Foresight of his greatness. Gary would stand in front of a mirror and say over and over "You are going to be one of the many players of all time". Gary Player's Foresight shined very brightly, and guided him to come to be one of the many golfers of the 20th century.
Vision can originate our end point-even if one does not currently exist. When Tommy Burnett entered University of Virginia in 1993, he declared to his professor that his Foresight was to be a extra effects master on a Star Wars movie. Unfortunately for him, the last Star Wars movie was made ten years earlier.
Given that predicament, most citizen would pick other direction-Not Tommy. He had a Foresight of bringing to life his beloved science fiction characters on the silver screen and development them appear real. He read all he could get his hands on regarding how to originate extra effects and how to agenda these effects. He became an master on a new computer programming language called Python.
Fortunately, industrial light and Magic, the enterprise owed by George Lucas which creates Star Wars movies, needed person who knew Python. Tommy was their man and was hired to form extra effects for the Star War movies in 1999, 2002, and 2003. Tommy's Foresight created his destiny.
Our Foresight is our light. We all need this light-in a sense, it is a survival mechanism. Psychologists discovered that when mice were placed into a tub with no way out, they would stop swimming after 45 minutes and drown. However, if the mice had a light shining upon them, they would continue to swim for 36 hours. The mice were motivated through the darkness by a Foresight of light.
Vision guided Christopher Reeves throughout his darkest hours-his Foresight was the light at the end of his tragic tunnel. Christopher Reeves rise to fame was fierce, propelling him to the top of the Hollywood game in the 1970's. Then tragedy struck. While an equestrian competition, his horse threw Reeves who landed on his neck, His injury was so severe that he was paralyzed from the neck down. But Reeves had a Foresight that would guide him through the next ten years-at his forty-third birthday party he announced that he would stand up and make a cheer at his 50th.
This Foresight propelled him over the globe, development countless speeches and pleads for money for spinal cord research. He was dedicated to find a cure. Unfortunately, this Foresight did not come to fruition, and he did not stand to toast his friends on any birthday following the accident. Sadder was his death at the age of 52 of a heart attack. However, his memory and his Foresight still guide his foundation to find a cure in the future.
In his book, Power of Purpose, Dick Leider interviewed hundreds of citizen in their seventies and eighties. He asked them two straightforward questions: "if you could live your life over again, what would you change?" and "What is the wisdom that you would pass on?"
One of the most frequent answers given was that they would have had a great Foresight for their life's direction and that this Foresight would have made a difference.
Those answers from our elders send a clear cut message-Find a Foresight for your life that has meaning. Agreeing to the old philosopher Seneca, when a man does not know what harbor he is navigation for, no wind is the right wind. Zig Ziglar, a present day motivational guru, has noted that the happiest citizen he knows are those who are working toward a Foresight whereas the most bored and miserable citizen are drifting along with no worthwhile objectives in mind. They sail with any wind.
The issue with Foresight is twofold; First, many citizen do not know their true vision, and second, their work choices are not in line with their true vision. Becoming aware of your true Foresight and having that Foresight aligned with your work may be the most difficult task a person can accomplish, but it is essential. The following drills will help:
Don't wait for your mortality sandwich:
Deborah Winger called it "a mortality sandwich". When she was young, she had planned to be a researcher for criminal investigations. As Winger describes it-she wanted to be an investigator just like in the show Csi. Then she had a terrible but fortuitous crisis with a truck. It was an crisis in which she had a clear look at her mortality. This situation made her convert directions and result her true vision-to be an actress. And as we know, she has had a thinkable, career, starring in such megahits as An Officer and a Gentleman, Urban Cowboy, and Terms of Endearment.
Don't wait for your mortality sandwich. Eat life up!
Aligning your work with your vision
Finding a great direction was easy for John Sculley. When Steve Jobs was looking for a man to hold the helm and steer his new company, Apple, he approached Sculley. At that time, Sculley was president of Pepsico and had a extraordinary career. Any way Steve Jobs approached him and asked him if he wanted to make sugar water all his life or convert the world-the option was easy for Sculley. He wanted to make a meaningful difference, so he left and joined Apple so that he could help convert the world.
Are you struggling to align your work with your vision?
The first step is to originate a purpose statement. A purpose statement is a Foresight about what we believe will give meaning to you life.
To form an efficient purpose statement, here are a few questions to guide you:
• Who do you admire and why?
• What have been some great contributions to our world?
• What do you see as meaningful?
• What essential contributions would you like to make to the world?
The next step is to list your values. Martin Luther King Jr. Once stated, "I do not want to have the finer things in life-All I want to leave behind is a committed life. King valued a committed life, a life dedicated to changing human rights.
What do you value most? These may contain money, civil rights, creating a beneficial product, helping the homeless, or other values such as creating a great world and/or great environment for our children. List 10 of your key values.
Now here is the kicker. Pick 2 or 3 careers (or different jobs within your current work path) that you think are in line with your true vision. Write a persuasive paragraph for each career, as you would be writing to a friend, and tell this friend how your purpose statement and values are aligned with this particular career.
The paragraphs that are a difficult write-that is, the careers that had to be bent and pushed to fit into your statement and values, are probably not a good choice. This work option is out of sync with your true vision.
On the other hand, the paragraph that was the easiest write-the one that was the best fit for your purpose and values, will be the accurate option and a step toward following your vision.
Henry David Thoreau once stated, "We only hit what we aim at". I would add-We need to know where to aim-this chapter will point you in the right direction.
This report is excerpted from the Washington Post Best-Selling book "Full Throttle: 122 Strategies to Supercharge your vigor and carrying out at Work" by Dr. Gregg Steinberg
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