PEPSICO - Tips to Lower Cholesterol - Stevia Facts
Good evening. Yesterday, I discovered PEPSICO - Tips to Lower Cholesterol - Stevia Facts. Which is very helpful for me so you. Tips to Lower Cholesterol - Stevia FactsThe Stevia Plant
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With the addition of stevia to your diet on a regular basis, it has been reported to reduce hunger sensations, the desire for sweets or fatty foods, aid digestion, decrease hypertension without affecting blood pressure, stabilise blood glucose levels, shorten the rescue time from cold and flu and aid in reducing addictions to tobacco and alcohol.
Stevia is known to include numerous antibacterial properties: so much so that it can be used in toothpaste or mouthwash to reduce cavities and gum disease this is because unlike sugar, which damages teeth and gums, stevia has been found to be very beneficial. Researchers at the Hiroshima University School of Dentistry, Japan and the Purdue University research team have discovered that stevia retards plaque on teeth and suppresses antibacterial growth.
Stevia's lengthy shelf life
Stevia Flowers
Because this strong sweetener is non-fermentable, non-discolouring, maintains heat stability at 95 degree C and features a lengthy shelf life, it is valued by many in the food processing industry. Major multinational food companies like PepsiCo and Beatrice foods use stevia extract to sweeten foods for sale in Japan, Brazil, and many more countries where it is approved.
Recently in Canada PepsiCo released Aquafina Plus Vitamins 10 Cal which contains pure Stevia extract sweetener, PureVia. Ready in three new flavours - Black and Blue Berry, Acai Fruit Punch, and Tropical Cherimoya.
More then 500 distinct studies have been completed on stevia's safety and effectiveness. Japan and Japanese manufacturers have used stevia rebaudiana for over thirty years in many products such as cola, pickling products, chewing gum, ice cream and a wide range of other foods.
The fact that it has been in use for over 1500 years by the Guarani Natives of Paraguay as a sweetener in yerba mate and medicinal teas as well as for testing such conditions as obesity, high blood pressure, and heartburn.
I hope you get new knowledge about PEPSICO . Where you'll be able to put to utilization in your life. And most importantly, your reaction is passed about PEPSICO .
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