Foods Careers - Wheatgrass, Health, And the Forgotten private of Success (Part 8) - Failure and InsanityGood morning. Yesterday, I learned all about Foods Careers - Wheatgrass, Health, And the Forgotten private of Success (Part 8) - Failure and Insanity. Which may be very helpful to me and you. |
I'm going to give you significant information derived from my own contact and by Mike Hernacki and his fabulous book, "The Forgotten secret to fabulous Success". In this article, I'll excerpt any nutritious nuggets of wisdom from the his fifth lesson "Being A Success While seeing Like a Failure" and add my own comments so you have two ways to put it into use for your own benefit: What I said. It is not in conclusion that the actual about Foods Careers. You check out this article for home elevators an individual need to know is Foods Careers.Foods CareersHernacki discusses the wrong definition many habitancy have of "failure" and innocently using how that wrong definition holds them back from succeeding. He explains how we can start out with a goal and as we progress or don't on the road to success, we start changing the goal and therefore the definition of success: Many habitancy plainly define "failure" incorrectly. They have a goal, but they don't take the first step out of the fear that it is the only step they take and determines whether they succeeded or failed. Hernacki corrects this reasoning by stating failure is whether not trying or giving up after trying too few times. He gives some examples of habitancy who call into radio stations when he was when on his book tour. They told him they needed things. He asked one woman who was unemployed but afraid to take a job in a career, "What are the chances you'll consequent in that job if you don't take it?" The woman got the point. He then gives an example of a woman trying to make it as an actress who holds down a day job while retention her dream alive by continuously auditioning. He also adds he thinks she has no talent! Finally, Hernacki winds up this lesson by cautioning readers not to automatically sound the visible or material evidence of success as true success. He gives two contrasting examples: The first example: a saleswoman who's a top performer, dresses very well, drives a fancy car with a fancy lease payment, owns a beautiful, wonderfully placed and furnished condominium... But has a qoute with maintaining relationships, whether friend or romantic The second example: a gardener living on the edge of poverty with no possessions, no savings, and a wife and five kids to feed. Yet he comes to a warm and loving home where his wife cooks delicious dinners and his kids crawl over with him with enthusiasmIn short, Hernacki uses the extremes of shallow material wealth combined with impoverished relationships compared to deep relationships combined with unstated fear of a downward spiral to the permanent bottom should anyone happen to the gardener or his family. Now for my comments: 1. Money/things/status symbols vs. Relationships: A quick note on Hernacki's shallow materialism vs. Rich relationships: It incorrectly leads many readers to the wrong conclusion. Here's why, based on my personal contact of being wealthy and related with many wealthy friends, some of whom are billionaires: When you don't have sufficient money, basic fears about food, clothing, and housing are always gift gnawing in the background and sucking up your emotional and reasoning vigor as stress. Don't believe me? Ever been a day away from being evicted with nowhere to go and nowhere to put your stuff? How does that feel emotionally? When you have sufficient money, basic fears about food, clothing, and housing are gone forever. Sure you can take your shallowness to higher material levels. But you're not concerned about seeing food or being evicted. And regardless of how much you have, you will always have issues: personal and interpersonal. There are nice and nasty habitancy at every level of wealth and collective status. 2. Don't be insane: Hernacki is accurate in discussing continuing until you consequent rather than giving it one try then quitting. But the one part he doesn't consist of is reflecting on what doesn't work and modifying your arrival until it does work. He merely hints at it by referring to Thomas Edison and his famed 1000 or more attempts to originate the filament light who he says wasn't discouraged because he found 1000 ways that didn't work. It's undoubtedly piquant to hear the great man didn't give up. It's more enlightening to understand how he modified his results. (I assume he kept very detailed record-keeping as a scientist so he wouldn't repeat the 1000 ways that didn't work.) One definition of insanity is this: "Continuing to repeat the same behavior over and over expecting distinct results." perhaps some determined Edison insane. Life is not tidy, clear-cut, and uncomplicated as the guidance you're reading. So where does this definition of insanity work and where is it just a statement of limitation that will hold you back? Which of these three is insane behavior? Let's look at the range of cases where you can continue to repeat the same behavior and your expectations: 1. When you can consequent mightily like Thomas Edison: Sometimes you engage in the same behavior again and again and can reasonably expect best results over time. Such as when you custom anything, from music, sports, studying a language, business, in fact anyone where you start clumsily from the beginning, understand the basics, and continue improving. 2. When you can do good to okay: you're not gifted: Sometimes you work at hard and do enhance but only to a unavoidable point. I don't think it's a limiting statement to say you're great in unavoidable things, good to okay in others, and there are a bunch of things where it's probably best if you get man to help you because you suck. I think it's realistic and smart to recognize your gifts and talents and focus on them. 3. And when you will consequent only through unruly luck: The powers that run the universe throw you an occasional bone: "the game is rigged against you:" Sometimes you engage in the same behavior but fool yourself into reasoning you will get best results over time. You can practice, thoughtfully evaluate and reflect on your progress, and go back to it to see if you can improve. But the game is rigged against you. There are a join of terms to retell this. Psychologists call it "variable rate reinforcement" or "gambling behavior:" a unavoidable consequent once in a while reinforces the behavior to continue the same behavior for long periods of time, such as shoving coins into a slot machine which is programmed to make the casino money by making all gamblers a group lose money. Your proper analysis and conclusion should consist of unavoidable known facts: a casino is a enterprise that makes tons of money by knowing the statistical odds of any game outcome, then paying out less than those odds. The game is rigged against you. Others call it "magical thinking" and many fall prey to it in unavoidable religious and spiritual practices... Because they'll use it to clear their inner negativity or blocks by applying surface-level pop psychology (as I've been discussing in this series on the Forgotten secret to fabulous Success) in order to attract wealth or health or a romantic connection using spiritual law or laws that transcend the bodily laws. Followers commonly focus on how the vibrational thoughts will attract what they want with limited bodily effort involved. (Personally, I agree that thoughts are things and noteworthy things at that. But we have bodies for a purpose, part of which is to take our thoughts and turn them into what we want, from ordering a pizza online and piquant our bodies to open the front door 30 minutes later in oder to manifest our food through thought... To convention investors, architects, and contractors to manifest a skyscraper that I see first only in my mind as a thought.) But these "magical thinkers" ignore those important paragraphs telling them they need to interact with the world and it will take time in a job or enterprise to get money, it will take rehearsal and eating wholesome foods to procure their health, it will take 30 minutes for the pizza to get here, or it will take time in seeing and interacting with other habitancy to attract that special someone. Things take time in the bodily universe; they don't poof magically into existence. The game is rigged against you in the magical advice. Again, after a careful, consistent application of the law over time, your analysis should reveal: whether markedly improved results rather than the luck, random statistical blip Or coincidence that is oftentimes called "synchronicity." Heck, a broken clock is accurate twice a day! The game is rigged against you. Some multi-level marketing promoters and internet marketing gurus also use the "magical thinking" appeal by continuously offering a core group of products, each of which is supposedly the great breakthrough you've been waiting for to "attract" rivers of customers just dying to hand over their hard-earned money to you if you plainly consequent these easy, proven steps of their money-making machine! But of policy you need to buy the stock from the promoters and gurus, many of which are overpriced for the value delivered. The game is rigged against you. Also, notice the promoters and gurus are practicing the definition of success: they don't give up and continue to email you enticements to buy your way into the easy life by trading your cash for their 30-day money-back guaranteed package of hope. So let me offer you this: Continue after your goal rather than trying once or twice and giving up. Yes: Bring your brain into it, widen your knowledge by studying more, and enhance what you're doing and how you're doing it, like enhancing through particular practice. And No: Don't merely be a one-trick pony hoping you'll finally get the consequent you want... Or custom insanity while fooling yourself that you just need to try harder or the payoff is just nearby the next angle or internet marketing is so easy a brain-dead caveman could do it. Because some games are rigged. I hope you have new knowledge about Foods Careers. Where you may put to easy use in your everyday life. And most of all, your reaction is passed about Foods Careers. Read more.. Wheatgrass, Health, And the Forgotten private of Success (Part 8) - Failure and Insanity. |
Wheatgrass, Health, And the Forgotten private of Success (Part 8) - Failure and Insanity
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